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        Flood Compensation Program

        By the OFFICE of the STATE COMPTROLLER


The Hartford Flood Compensation Program is a pilot program designed to provide financial assistance or reimbursement for repairs to eligible owners of real property in the city of Hartford who experienced damage caused by flooding on or after January 1, 2021

The program is overseen by the Office of the State Comptroller

The Blue Hills Civic Association (BHCA) will support residents with the Hartford Flood Compensation Program application process.

Eligible participants can obtain applications in on of three ways:

• On-line:


• In person: Blue Hills Civic Association, 1229 Albany Ave, third floor, suite 306, Hartford, CT 06112. Contact BHCA at 860-519-1570 for hours and information.

By Email: Please contact Blue Hills Civic Association to request an application.



To obtain reimbursement, eligible property owners must:


• Visit or Blue Hills Civic Association (1229 Albany Ave, Htfd. CT)


• Submit a completed application and supporting documentation.


 Await claim review by the program administrator.


• If notified by the grant administrator they are eligible for potential reimbursement, arrange a home inspection vía an approved DCP-licensed inspector oran MDC-provided inspector.


• Await inspection report review by the

program administrator.


• Approved applicants willhave

payments sent to the applicant's

residential address listed on the application.


Hartford Flood Compensation Program


Determine Your Eligibility

Are you a property owner or a resident of the city of Hartford that owned real or personal property in the city of Hartford that was damaged by flooding on or after January 1, 2021? If so, you are eligible to apply for this program.


If you are eligible to participate in this program, an application

can be obtained one of three ways:


• Online:


• In person: Blue Hills Civic Association, 1229 Albany Ave, Third Floor, Suite 306, Hartford, CT 06112. Call 860-560-7360 for hours and information.


By mail: Please contact Blue Hills Civic Association to request an application be mailed or dropped off to your home as well as for assistance completing the application by calling 860-560-7360.


Complete the application and compile supplementing documentation


These include:

• 2 Forms of Proof of Identity.


• 2 Forms of Proof of Hartford Residency


• Proof of ownership of real property. Acceptable proof of ownership is a property tax bill.


• Copies of documentation of any insurance claims submitted and/or paid out.


• Documentation showing repairs that have already been completed.


Submit the completed application


By mail: Attention: Office of the State Comptroller/Hartford Flood Compensation Program, 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford 06106


• By email:


In-person: Blue Hills Civic Association, 1229 Albany Ave, Third Floor, Suite 306, Hartford, CT 06112


Await claim review by the program administrator


If deemed eligible for potential reimbursement, you will be notified and asked to arrange for a home inspection via:

• A DCP-licensed inspector you hire or


• An inspector provided by MDC


Applicants are encouraged to schedule an inspection as soon as possible.


Await inspection report review by the program administrator


Approved applicants will have payments sent to the applicant's esidential address listed on the application

(applicants must submit W-9 form to receive payment)


Contact Blue Hills Civic Association


1229 Albany Ave 3 floor, Hartford, CT 06112


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